What our Customers say...

Why SERVPRO Testimonials

Patrick is an asset to your company. Wonderful service.

There was a strange smell in my bathroom over the past couple of days. We called SERVPRO and they were so helpful that I recommend them to all of my friends.

The SERVPRO team was professional and respectful of the complexities involved with a difficult situation.

I called SERVPRO because of a funny smell in my apartment. It turned out to be mold and luckily SERVPRO did a great job communicating with me during the remediation process.

I was so disgusted when I realized we had mold in our bathroom. Your technicians helped us properly and stopped the source of moisture that was feeding the mold.

My carpet needed a professional after a some time of it not being clean. SERVPRO offered me an affordable rate to clean my home and they did a great job. 

My toilet overflowed and I called SERVPRO to help clean up the mess. I thought I would never get that smell out of my apartment, thank you SERVPRO of Wynwood.